Saturday, June 25, 2011


It's summer for me now! School is out and no more homework! I am going to be going a lot of places this summer, but I will bring my computer everywhere, so I will have more time to finish the things that I needed to do. Like my typed walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge, and my video walkthrough for Zoo Vet 2: Endangered Animals(if I can get the installation to work, so no promises on that). And I have a lot of leftover videos from Kings Dominion still on my computer to upload. Also, check out my latest video! I think you guys will love it!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Intimidator 305

So a few days ago I took the 3 and a half hour drive to Kings Dominion and it was really long but IT WAS SOOOOOOO WORTH IT BECAUSE I RODE THE INTIMIDATOR 305!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is the most insane thing I had EVER been on! I have now ridden every roller coaster there! In case you guys don't know what that is, it's a coaster that goes 305 feet high, 90 mph straight down! Here is a POV and an off-ride. I bought my picture and I looked pretty ridiculous.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kings Dominion MORE!!!!!!!

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been really busy. Anyway, I wanted to talk to you guys about getting over my fear of rollercoasters. LOL. I went on my first upside down roller coaster last week(the anaconda) and I made plans for what order I am going to ride the roller coasters there in.

Here are all the roller coasters I have already ridden:
Ghoster Coaster
Rebel Yell
Backlot Stunt Coaster

I am going this Friday with my friend, and here are the roller coasters we are both going to ride for the first time:
Shockwave, and last but certainly not least....the..... FLIGHT OF FEAR!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOO scared! Look up a video of it if you want. You'll only be able to see the launch, though, because the whole ride is pitch black! I am so scared I bet I'll be shaking in the waiting line. But I have to get over my fear, so I'm gonna do it!

Friday, May 6, 2011

KINGS DOMINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG IM GOING THERE TOMORROW! I'm going to ride the Anaconda, which will be my first upside down roller coaster! I'm really scared! But excited too! I will get some more videos at Kings Dominion, so stay tuned! Wish me luck! I will also ride some more roller coasters.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I moved on Saturday. Not very far. My dad lives in my school neighborhood, and my mom lived in a townhouse complex before, but my mom moved to the neighborhood now. Yay! I'm closer to all my friends now. But there is a problem. Well three actually.
The new house has no....
1. internet
2. hot water
3. cable

AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! HOW DO YOU LIVE WITHOUT THESE THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankfully, my dad's house still has internet, so I'm using his as I type. And I have to take all my showers at his house. Meh. Imagine having to drive to another house whenever you take a shower. The dudes who are supposed to fix these things were supposed to come on Sunday. My mom calls them every day, and they always say they will come the next day, but they never do. I swear, if this goes on much longer, I am moving into my dad's house. For good.

Monday, April 18, 2011


I got 1,000 views on my most popular video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :)
 :) :) :) :) :)


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Busch Gardens!!!!!!!

My family went to Busch Gardens Europe yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy we did because we hardly ever get to because we live so far away from it. But we're on vacation for Spring Break so we're really close! I'm not a roller coaster person(they terrify me) but I went on a lot of other fun stuff! I went on:
1.The Battering Ram(very end!!!! :))
2.The Flying Machine
3.Der(lol) Whirbelwind
4.That thing that's like the flying machine but on the ground near Der Whirbelwind(forgot what it's called)
5.The roller coaster in Sesame Street World(which was surprisingly intense, I can't believe tiny little kids like it)
7.The Curse of DarKastle(LOVED IT!)my fave
8. Europe in the Air

In case you haven't been there before, here is what these things all are:
1. The thing that's like a ship that goes back and forth
2. It spins your car so you feel like you will hit the other cars and wall, this one is in the air
3. Those swings that spin around
4. Same as the flying machine except goes a lot faster and is on the ground
5. A roller coaster that is VERY short but fun
6. Cars that go around in a circle and kind of up and down FREAKISHLY FAST and smush you to the outside of the car :)
7. It's like a 4-D movie but you're in a car and it moves along a track. It's about this dude who lives in a castle and was cursed by a witch so he is a werewolf.  He killed his parents so he could take the throne and has a bunch of skeleton minions. But if he leaves the castle he will turn to ice, so he invites people over to dinner, turns into a wolf, and eats them. During the ride, you are the people who get invited to dinner, and the ghosts of the dude's parents try to help you escape. So you go through all these tunnels and rooms with 3-D screens and it's like you are in a movie. Skeletons throw knives and fruit at you, all while the dude tries to catch you. In the end you and the dude fall from the roof of the castle, then he turns into a wolf, makes his final attempt to eat you, but gets turned into ice and explodes. Yay!!!!!! That's basically it. I was actually very scared to go on this ride. Not because I thought it would be scary, but because I am claustrophobic, and the car and tunnels were kind of tight. But it was worth it, because it was really fun!
8. A 4-D movie that feels like you are in a plane flying over a bunch of sites in Europe. It was really cool. You saw the London Eye, the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, etc.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New Videos

I uploaded a lot of new videos recently.

That one is a video with ALL the music from Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon with screenshots. Believe it or not, it took forever to make!

That one is me playing the Camptown Races theme on my piano. I actually learned this from listening to the song played in Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon.

All these videos are music videos from Nancy Drew: Secret of Shadow Ranch.

Monday, April 4, 2011

More Nancy Drew music I can play

I learned two new songs on my flute. Here they are:
The Haunted Carousel: Miles
Danger on Deception Island: Dirge

Please note: Miles is really hard! I just figured out all the notes yesterday, but I can't play the whole thing through very smoothly at all, and I have to go about 20 times slower than the actual song. I'm still working on it, and will get a video of it in the future, but it wont be for a long time!

You might not see Dirge for a while either, because even though it's easy and I can play it really well, I have a lot of other songs I already scheduled to be uploaded before that one.

My next video will either be Trail of the Twister: Prairie on my flute or Last Train to Blue moon Canyon: Camptown on my piano. It will probably be Camptown.

Nancy Drew Mobile Mysteries: Secret of Shadow Ranch

So I got the Nancy Drew game for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. I have an iPod touch, so I played it on that. I finished it last night. and it was pretty good! It was more of a book than a game, but still, it was fun. It was based off of the PC game Secret of Shadow Ranch, but it wasn't anything like the PC game. There were a lot of different plotlines in the different chapters, so basically, there were a lot of different mysteries to solve. And there were a lot of different culprits. The culprits were not anyone form the PC game, because they added a lot of different characters, but Dave, Tex, Shorty, and Mary were still in the game. One thing that was the same: the phantom horse still appeared at night. But nothing bad would happen, it would just scare the guests away from the ranch.

So that's the plotline, now for the actual gameplay. It was bassically just a book with a few minigames here and there. So you would read, and you might come across some words in different colors. The orange ones will give you a fun fact or a definition about the word that is colored. The green ones will give you a sound of the word that is colored. The red ones will give you a collectable, which will let you play a minigame in order to unlock a special thing(which I don't know what it is, because I didn't unlock any). The minigame is to make four words using letters from the collectable you found, because it will have a name like "saguaro" or somehting like that. There also are some pictures, and when you touch them it will show the picture move a little, and it will make a sound.

Every now and then, when something interesting happens in the book, it will give you a choice of what to do. What happens in the next section that you read will depend on what you chose. Sometimes, if you choose the wrong option(like you decide to jump off a cliff) then you will "die"(sometimes without the quotaions) and you can try again, and start over reading the section you (")died(") in.

Some of the options you choose will lead to mingames in the actual gameplay. There are two: horse racing and hidden object finding. For horse racing, you choose a horse(Bob, Ace, Clyde are there, and they added one: Ginger) and then you have to unscramble words in order to get a speed boost. For hidden objects, you just find ten of whatever you need to find in a picture. These can be tricky. The result of winning the minigames is uauaslly that you get a collectable.

Overall, this was a really fun game. It was only 2 bucks, and you can get it from the app store, so I encourage you guys to play it if you have an iPod touch, iPad, and/or iPhone.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sign Language(continued)

I definetly should've posted this two days ago, but If you read my other post about sign language, you know that I am learning sign language. Well, on thursday I interpreted for my school's morning news show! It was awesome! Another cool part about it was that I got to interpret the day my best friend was an anchor! So we were on together! It was really cool, because I DIDN"T MESS UP AT ALL!!!!! :) Haha. I never even slipped up a little! Before the show started, I was actually really nervous. The hardest part was the fingerspelling. I had to go really fast when I spelled names. But I actually got a video of the show, too. Now I can keep it forever! :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Message in a Haunted Mansion Music!

I uploaded a video of me playing the Study theme from Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion on my piano. I messed up a little at one point, but I was not able to re-record it because my camera's battery was dying. I look different in this video, becuase I hardly ever wear my hair down.

Zoo Vet Walkthrough: Finished!

I finished the entire walkthrough for Zoo Vet! I thought there was six levels, but it turns out there's only 5! So, I finished level 5, and finished the entire game! Here is the entire playlist, all 31 videos:

Whew! That's a lot of videos!

Finished Task/New Videos

I finished level 4 of my Zoo Vet Walkthrough. There are two new videos in the playlist.
I have to warn you, though, they're both really gross. The first one is a panda with a bladder infection(ugh), and the second one is a chimpanzee with a parasite infection(even more ugh).

I thought I had two more levels to do, but it turns out I only have one! I'll be finished with the whole walkthrough sooner than I thought!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nancy Drew Music I can play

I went through every single Nancy Drew game and found all the music I can play on my flute and/or piano. Some are combined.
Here's the list:
Flute: Stay Tuned for Danger-Lobby
          Treasure in the Royal Tower- Somber/Tranquil
           Secret of the Scarlet Hand- Scribe
           Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake- Day
           The Haunted Carousel- Carousel B
           Secret of Shadow Ranch- Lands
           Curse of Blackmoor Manor- Recorder
           Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon- Melody/Train
           Trail of the Twister- Prairie
           Shadow at the Water's Edge- Teaser
Piano- Message in a Haunted Mansion- Study
          Treasure in a Royal Tower- Somber/Tranquil
           Danger on Deception Island- Caddy
          Last Train to Blue moon Canyon- Camille
         Warnings at Waverly Academy- Waverly
          Shadow at the Water's Edge- Pop

So there is all the music I can play so far. Stay tuned because these will all eventually be uploaded to youtube! I am also going to try to find more to play so I have at least one song from each game. I will post saying whenever I have learned a new piece. My next video to be uploaded will be Study from Message in a Haunted Mansion.

And another thing I should tell you! I learned how to play the Renaissance theme from Curse of Blackmoor Manor on my cousin's keyboard, but only because it has different instrument settings, including the oboe and cello. I don't play either of those, though, and my keyboard only does piano, electric piano, harpsichord, and full orchestra. So I am definetly not going to be able to play this for you any time soon. Sorry!                              

Sign Language

A thing about me that I have never actually mentioned anywhere on the internet is that I am learning ASL(american sign language). Me and my best friend are actually learning together. There are deaf students at our school, so a lot of staff there know ASL.

Anyway, there was a bunch of contests at our school last month, with a bunch of different options students could choose for their parents to bid on. And one of them was lunch with an interpreter at school and a chance to interpret on the Morning News Show!

The Morning News Show is a little show our school does every morning. There are two anchors(6th grade announcers) and one of the interpreters. The anchors switch off every week. Every day they announce who they are, who the interpreter is, the date and time, their theme for the day, and then they say the Pledge of Allegience. After that there is a moment of silence, then birthdays and important announcements. Then the show ends.

Anyway, I bid for this and WON! I'm really excited because I get to interpret next Thursday! In exactly one week! And the awesome thing is...I'm interpreting the week my best friend is an anchor! We'll be on the show together! I can't wait! :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Creepy Ice Cream Truck

Last year, there was this creepy ice cream truck that came to my neighborhood EVERY SINGLE DAY. The jingle was stuck in my head all the time, because the driver blared it so you could hear him coming from a mile away! It would just come, drive in circles around our very small neighborhood like twenty times, and then leave. Nobody ever got any ice cream. But he kept coming for three months straight: from April to July. Then he stopped coming, probably because either A. Nobody ever got any ice cream or B. It was the end of summer. I was out of town in August so I'm not sure if he was there.

Anyway, today me and my sister(who is a year older than me) were decorating for our stepsister's(who is my age) surprise birthday party. Her real birthday is on Friday. And all of a sudden, as we're putting up streamers, Taylor(my sister) says "Wait! Everyone be quiet!" So then, what do you know? We hear the jingle of the ice cream truck.

IT"S BACK!!!!!!!!!

Now my sister is convinced he's stalking us. I just hope he wont come EVERY SINGLE DAY like last year, because i don't want that jingle stuck in my head. You might be wondering why I don't take advantage of it and get ice cream every day. I'll tell you why.

1. The ice cream is over priced
2. its not that good anyway
3. the dude is kind of creepy

So yeah. Anyway, I gotta go! My stepsister is coming in a few minutes!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shadow at the Water's Edge: Day 2 finished

I finished Day 2 of my text walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge. I also got a few sentences from Day 3. Here is the link:

Monday, March 14, 2011

Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake question

I've been hearing a lot of rumors about this. A lot of people and websites have said that in Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake, the ghost dogs are supposed to attack every night, but there was a problem when HerInteractive made the game, and it turned out that the ghost dogs only attacked once.


So is this true? If you know, PLEASE comment with your answer. You can comment as "anonymous" even if you don't have a Blogger account. I'm dying to know!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

New videos

I have 3 more videos in my Zoo Vet Walkthrough playlist. The first one is about an elephant with a puncture wound in his footpad, the second one is about a penguin with bumblefoot, and the third one is about a gorilla with a bite wound on his thumb.

I also uploaded a review for Nancy Drew: Secret of Shadow Ranch.


I saw the movie Rango last night. It's about a lizard who's cage falls out of his owner's car and then he is stranded in the desert. He finds a town with a bunch of other strange looking animals, and discovers that they are in desperate need of water. Then he makes up stories about him being from the west and living tough, and becomes the town's sherriff after he kills a hawk that had been terrorizing the town. Then he goes on a quest to retrieve the water, which they believed to have been stolen.

The rest of the plotline totally confused me. The mayor turned out to be evil, but I'm not sure exactly why. Then there was a rattlesnake who tried to kill Rango, but in the end he was on the good side. So I don't really get what happened.

It was a very strange movie, but entertaining and funny enough. Problem was, the movie theater we were in had no air conditioning, and there were a lot of people. It was so hot in there. And the plotline about being in the desert and needing water, of course, didn't help.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Finished Task 1

I finished the death scene list for Nancy Drew: The Haunted Carousel. It's on my website here:
Beware of spoilers! The culprit is not mentioned, but everything else is.

Stuff I have to do

I've now made a list of all the things I have to do and what order I am going to do them in.
-Zoo Vet video walkthrough: I am going to aim to finish 1 level per week. Since I have about three more levels to finish, I will most likely be done in 2-3 weeks. youtube account: Madikinz123
-Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge text walkthrough: I am aiming for at least 1 day(in game time) finished per week. There are about 6? days in this game and I am on day 2, so it will take me 3-4 weeks to finish it. website:
-All my homework: I'll do some tonight, but most I'll do tomorrow. I have to type and edit three paragraphs, I have to fill out a vocab sheet with 4 words(I have to define the word, find three synonyms and antonyms each, and draw it), and I have to finish reading(and fill out a paper for) a book. Anyway, you guys probably don't care.
- Practicing flute/teaching myself a song: I'll combine these. My band teacher wont mind. The song I'm teaching myself is very hard though, so I wont have a video up for quite a while. It is the Prairie theme from Nancy Drew: Trail of the Twister.
-Practicing piano/teaching myself a song: I'll combine these too. The song I'm teaching myself(the Study theme from Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion) is not very hard. I have it almost perfect. I'll have it uploaded by next week.
-Nancy Drew: The Haunted Carousel death scene list: This is on my website. It wont take very long. I'll finish it today.
-Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon music videos: FINISHED! :)
-The "interview" me and my friend are working on: I still have to discuss some stuff with her, then I have to edit the whole thing, which will take FOREVER, so this probably wont be ready until next month.
-Writing my book: I usually do this in school when I finished an assignment that other people are still working on, and I also work on it before bed. Who knows when it will be done. I'm only on page 50.
-Chores: ugh. chores. :(
-Nancy Drew: Secret of Shadow Ranch review: Will be uploaded tomorrow. I know I said today, but apparently I am going to see a movie and wont be back until late tonight!

So that's all the stuff I need to do. At least now it's organized.

Finished Playlist

I finished the playlist for Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon Music.

Friday, March 11, 2011

New Video

I posted a new video to my youtube account: Madikinz123
Its a new video for my Zoo Vet walkthrough. This one is about a komodo dragon with an infected tail.

My first blog!!!!!!!! YAYYYY!!!!!

Hey people! This is my first blog post so... forgive me if it's not very good. I just made this account now. I didn't go to school today because I had a doctor's appt. that took FOREVER and then my mom took me to her work. It's really cool! I'm there now actually, as I type. I'm also currently listening to Taylor Swift: Back to December and eating gummy bears. Anyway, I will start off telling you all a little about me.

I am a crazy fan of Nancy Drew. It's my favorite book series, and I am addicted to the games!!!!!! I have finished every single game, and I can't wait for the Captive Curse to come out. I don't play the Dossier series. I'm not a big fan of hidden objects games.

I have a youtube account: Madikinz123. I like to post different kinds of videos, with variety. I am currently working on a walkthrough for Zoo Vet. It's knid of slow going, though, because I have to use my mom's computer to record the walkthroughs. The screen recording software on my laptop is horrible.

I also have a website: There I post reviews for Nancy Drew games, walkthroughs, puzzle cheats, easter eggs and death scenes. I am currently working on a walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge.

So I'm pretty busy. Aside from homework, practicing flute and piano, I have to finish a video walkthrough, for Zoo Vet, a text walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge(plus puzzle cheats), a death scene list for Nancy Drew: The Haunted Carousel, music videos for Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon, a funny video me and my friend are working on(an "interview" lol), and I also am writing a book, so I need to reserve time for that, too. Whew! Looks like I am not going to be able to post any videos with me playing Nancy Drew music any time soon. Oh yeah, I'm also trying to teach myself two songs,one piano, one flute. I don't like being busy. :(

A lesson for the future, all of you: Don't get into the habit of procrastinating.
